Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

Bibliography Help

During the first semester, students will be researching and writing a paragraph or two on various animals and plants each week. This paragraph will include a bibliography of at least two sources. Here is a sample bibliography to help with this task:

Book:                                       Mills, John. My Book. New York: Random House, 1992.

Book with 2 authors:           Jeffers, Anne and David Miller. Their Book. London: Pearson,                                                               2001.

Work in Anthology               Green, Terry. "His Article." Collected Book. Editor Tim Roe. New                                                         York: Scribes, 2005. pp 54-61.

Newspaper:                             Harris, Tom. "Big News." The Washington Post 14 May 2004,                                                             A2

Journal/Magazine:                Brown, Alice. "Her Article." Literary Journal 35.4 (1998): 13-                                                               21.

Website with author:            Smith, George. "His Web Text." Research Foundation (2005).                                                              Accessed 4/14/2015 from [].

Website w/out author:        "About Science." Science Forum Online (2007). Accessed                                                                       7/22/2015 from [].

The sources should typed up in the above format and put in alphabetical order using the first word of each entry. So for the above list of sources, "About Science" would come first and Brown, Alice would be listed second.

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I remember taking a "career test" in high school. We were all so excited to imagine the possibilities that lay ahead of us in college and beyond. Unfortunately, I don't remember my results, nor do I have any inkling of where they are now. Probably in a landfill somewhere.

I recently found a website where you can take a FREE test online and they provide a list of the best areas of study for you based on your personality, interests, and talents. I am definitely going to have my kids take this test in early high school to help us all figure out what they should pursue after graduation. It does take about an hour to complete, and it is recommended to not rush through but instead to allow ample time to really consider each multiple choice question.

Interestingly, I took the test and scored fairly low on "education". My top three highest scores were in science, mathematics, and administration. Hmm......

career test

Supply List

Here are the additional supplies your student will need, other than books:

One 1/2 inch 3 ring binder
One 2 inch 3 ring binder
Subject dividers - pack of eight
Dry erase markers (white board supplied by tutor)
Index cards, you choose colored or white
Highlighters, pens, pencils, colored pencils
Looseleaf paper
Blank white paper for map drawing
Clear page protectors

Teaching discernment

So I just read an awesome article by Matt Bianco. He introduces the four types of stories. Every song, movie, book, or tv show will fall into one of these categories. I think it is especially apropos given what we are seeing happen all around us in our world today - even just in this past month! Let's teach our kids to be able to identify what they see and then to discern if it's the best choice of our time. Does it match up with our biblical worldview?

video fun with LTW

We will be using LTW level ONE this year in challenge A. The first several essays are super short and focused on form and learning the basic model and structure of a persuasive essay. Many parents and students wonder why they are not required to write as they did in IEW in the past. They are used to seven sentence paragraphs, five of them, loaded with flowery adjectives, creative similes, and adverbial clauses. They know how to write well. They've learned it. Keyword outlines can be completed without barely a thought - like breathing or digesting.

But what if we didn't have a text to rewrite? Instead, what if we read a book together and then decided to create a thesis and write an essay? What would we write about? How would we arrange the proofs of the thesis? That's LTW.

We will spend the first couple of months learning the model of the persuasive essay and how to think about and analyze a book in order to create a thesis that is relevant and personally fulfilling. Students will be choosing characters and themes that they are excited about - which always makes writing more fun! Yes, it might seem like we are taking a step backward in our writing and using less creativity. But we are learning the parts of a persuasive essay and practicing them over and over until they are as engrained in our brains as the keyword outline. By the end of this first year of LTW, students will know how to craft and organize an essay from a piece of literature. They will certainly be reading books more analytically. This ability will serve them for years to come: in the writing section of the SAT, any AP tests they take, and any future classes in high school and college.

This silly video shows how even a "boring" and "simple" persuasive essay model can eventually be used to create beautiful masterpieces. It's just under ten minutes long and I think will be encouraging to anyone just starting out with LTW. Enjoy!

the line and the dot - a romance

Latin Flashcards

The Challenge A way to make awesome Latin flashcards!!

The Highlighting System

Please click on this link to access the information on the highlighting system that is being taught and used this year in all the Challenge levels...

the highlighting system

Cutting Back on Glowing Screens

I remember my summers...full of swimming, reading, playing outside, making up new games, and writing and illustrating my own mini-books. We didn't have to deal with the constant pull of devices calling our names. Now that official school in this house is on a severely abbreviated schedule, the electronics usage was starting to drive me crazy. So I am so glad I read a post on Facebook the other day that addressed this very issue!! I added and tweaked a couple of items and here is our new plan for the summer to reduce the time the kids are spending on "glowing screens". This includes tablets, ipods, iphones, computers, netflix, and television.

Autobiography for First Day of Class

Please answer the following questions and bring them on the first day...
I can't wait to hear all of your answers!!

Fall 2017 Supply List

As always, you can purchase books from the classicalconversations website, or at a practicum. There are plenty of homeschool used book fairs and sales happening this summer. I have bought books on Craigslist, Ebay, and Amazon used. The Homeschool Room in Huntersville is another good source!

Here is a list of the books needed for Challenge A for the 2017-2018 school year:
Henle First Year Latin - Purple book, blue grammar book, white answer key book
Math - your choice! Some students use Saxon 8/7 at this level. We will be introducing and working together all year on Pre-Algebra concepts.
The Fallacy Detective
It Couldn't Just Happen
The Lost Tools of Writing, Level 1 (5th Edition) Student Workbook
Exploring the World through Cartography (this is brand new 2017 and published by CC media)

To buy or borrow from the library:
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
The Magician's Nephew
Number the Stars
Amos Fortune, Free Man
The Secret Garden
Door in the Wall
A Gathering of Days
Crispin: the Cross of Lead
The Bronze Bow

Challenge A Summer Fun

Summer Fun!!
The Challenge A classes from Mallard Creek and Concord are joining together this spring and summer to enjoy fellowship and to meet new friends!!

All activities are completely optional; we realize that many families have vacations planned. We hope to see you on any or all of the following dates:   

Foundations Focus

Another great article! 

Letter to a New CC Mom

What am I going to neglect and what am I going to pursue?
My last article left us with this probing question as we pondered Leigh Bortins’s words…
...And I see frustrated parents who have over-estimated their high school child’s elementary education, realize they have not prepared their child adequately at the grammar stage, and so lower their standards for their older child’s education just at the time the student is really ready to become a mature learner (Echo in Celebration, page 56).
So… how do I adequately prepare my children while they are in the grammar stage? What are the core skills to be established in elementary-aged children? And as we work towards establishing these skills, how do we inspire our children with a love of learning? For several years I have asked myself these questions as we have waded through the plethora of curriculum available, searching for that magic formula that will instill a love of learning in our children.
Simply stated, the core skills required for higher order learning include reading, writing, mathematics, and memory work. An important discovery I have made, however, is that each of these skills can be pursued in a way that inspires children to enjoy learning. In fact, my attitude about a subject has much more to do with inspiring my children than which curriculum we are using. The more appropriate question for me is how am I modeling a love of learning in my home? That question is much more convicting.

10 Tips: A helpful CC article!

Getting It All Done: Ten Tips from a Classical Conversations Veteran

I think I know you. Like me, you are convinced the Christian classical idea is good for your family, but in practice it means long days, hard work, and utter madness on the day before community. If you have children in more than one program you find yourself stretched and you are torn between responsibility for teaching each child, keeping a clean house, providing hospitality, and keeping appointments. I have been living this life for over five years and I have been actively trying to balance my high expectations with the truth that gravity exerts a constant force to pull them down. As one who has benefitted from Classical Conversations in spite of my flawed execution, I would like to offer my sisters and brothers what I have learned.

Spring 2015 Standardized Testing Dates

Do you want your child to practice taking a standardized test? Do you like to have records stored online and have less paperwork to deal with? Do you need a day off to run errands? Well here is your answer...

We will be holding standardized testing using the Stanford tests on April 28 and 29th, 2015. Location is Crossway Community Church on Prosperity Church Road in North Charlotte. You can register at Testing is for 2nd through 12th grade and runs from 9 am - 1:30 pm both days. This testing will satisfy all the North Carolina requirements for homeschooled students. Cost is $50 per student.

Registration, payment, and even the results and scores are all posted on your private online account. Last year, the results were posted in only one week from the day we tested. Please email with any questions!

LTW and the Art of Thinking

Why we think and how we can do it better

Portrait of Chaucer from a manuscript by Thoma...
Image via Wikipedia
We think to determine three things: whether something is true, whether something should be done, and whether something commands our appreciation. In other words, we think to know truth, goodness, and beauty. In each case, a judgment is made. A judgment is embodied in a decision and expressed in a proposition. When we know the truth, we don't need to think about it so much as to enjoy it. When we know what is good, we need to act, which will arouse a thousand more questions, few of which will reach the conscious mind. When we know what is beautiful, we need to adore. Thinking begins when we feel a contradiction. This is because thinking, as we generally experience it, is the quest for harmony, that is, a mind without contradictions. Thus Socrates: "Great is the power of contradiction." It makes us think. How then does The Lost Tools of Writing teach thinking? Mainly by pushing the responsibility for making decisions back to the students. Every essay involves making a decision - whether so and so should have done such and such, whether X should do Y, etc. But if you want to undercut thinking in a hurry, give someone a responsibility without the tools to fulfill it. In my view, this is the cause of over 95% of students' laziness. Therefore, LTW does not drop the task on the student, telling him to bear a burden that his teachers won't bother carrying, and then walk away. It provides the tools to make decisions. First, it provides the topics of invention. These are the categories of thought, without which one cannot possibly think about any issue adequately. It provides practice using these categories (topics) in real world issues, but not issues that concern them directly. They have not yet learned how to think based on principles, so I don't want them getting emotionally involved in issues they cannot understand yet. Because thinking takes practice. It also takes order, and that's what the canon of arrangement teaches. I'm not sure people generally appreciate how important order is to sound thinking. After all, the object of thought is a harmonious solution to a question, and the only way we can know if our solutions are harmonious (i.e. lacking contradictions) is if we see the parts in relation to each other. Thought also requires judgment or assessment. The thinker needs to know if the form of his thought is sound, if the proportions and emphases match the reality about which he is thinking, if the more important parts are given their due emphasis. This tends not to come under the Progressive reduction of thought to "critical thinking" but it is an essential element of clear and honest thinking. In the canon of Elocution, LTW teachers yet another mode of thinking: the quest for the fitting expression, which requires a subtlety of judgment that cannot be gainsaid. Here's the thing: we can only appreciate what we can perceive. What we perceive depends on two things: the thing we are perceiving and the eyes with which we perceive it. Now by "the eyes with which we perceive it" I do not mean only the eyes of the body, but also what Shakespeare called "the mind's eye." The mind's eye perceives what it perceives as it perceives it because of the concepts it possesses while it perceives it. When I listen to music, I cannot hear what my good friend John Hodges can hear. He is a composer with a tremendous and informed gift for music. But notice that he has an informed gift. He knows music. As a result, his experience of music is very different than mine. In fact, he once converted me about a piece of music. When first I saw Les Miserables, I thought of it mostly in political terms and judged it to be sentimental claptrap. But when John explained the musical qualities, how characters had their own tunes, how the story put melodies out in one place, then withdrew them, the reinserted them in other places to tell the story through the music, I came to understand why it is regarded by those who can perceive these things as a masterpiece. I was informed. My mind's eye could see better. My appreciation grew. Even so, modern readers (and that means most of us) struggle to read great poetry, while we can watch movies with incredible complexity. Why? Because since we were very little we have gone to the theatres and learned how to watch movies. We understand the art form without even having to think about it very much. Poetry is not what it used to be, at least not in the classroom. The conventions are regarded as evil, the forms as tyrannical. Consequently, nobody reads Longfellow anymore. But LTW is a classical curriculum. If that means anything it means that we respect the conventions. 2500 years of artistry gave us quite a remarkable treasure trove of riches. In elocution,  we teach students schemes and tropes so they are capable of appreciating Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, and Spenser, and by appreciating their artistry, they can enter into the astounding insights that lie between their paradoxes and dilemmas. Through LTW students begin or continue to grow toward a perceptive, insightful, and refined mind.Standardized testing and critical thinking become fleas they snap off their shoulders because they are on to important things, like making decisions and acting on them, adoring the beautiful, and knowing truth.

The Lost Tools of Thinking

This article was published on the Classical Conversations website and explains more about LTW:
Last year, our homeschool community, Classical Conversations, introduced the Lost Tools of Writing program as parts of the seventh and eighth grade curricula. This was a good, good thing. I am no expert in the Lost Tools curriculum or in the application of all it has to offer, but what I have seen has been fantastic. I offer you one thought in particular to express my excitement.

LTW: The Persuasive Essay

This article is taken from the Lost Tools of Writing website, and is very helpful in understanding why we use this writing program for the Challenge levels:
When you start teaching The Lost Tools of Writing, you notice early that almost all of level one is devoted to teaching the persuasive essay. You might think this rather odd—even boring. After all, aren’t students much more interested in writing stories and exploring their own ideas than they are in writing about irrelevant things like whether the Roman senate should have assassinated Julius Caesar or whether Scout should have crawled under her neighbor’s fence?

Challenge A Goals

I read some insightful comments from another Challenge A director recently on the goals for this first year of the dialectic stage of a classical education. Here is some of what she shared: