Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

Bibliography Help

During the first semester, students will be researching and writing a paragraph or two on various animals and plants each week. This paragraph will include a bibliography of at least two sources. Here is a sample bibliography to help with this task:

Book:                                       Mills, John. My Book. New York: Random House, 1992.

Book with 2 authors:           Jeffers, Anne and David Miller. Their Book. London: Pearson,                                                               2001.

Work in Anthology               Green, Terry. "His Article." Collected Book. Editor Tim Roe. New                                                         York: Scribes, 2005. pp 54-61.

Newspaper:                             Harris, Tom. "Big News." The Washington Post 14 May 2004,                                                             A2

Journal/Magazine:                Brown, Alice. "Her Article." Literary Journal 35.4 (1998): 13-                                                               21.

Website with author:            Smith, George. "His Web Text." Research Foundation (2005).                                                              Accessed 4/14/2015 from [].

Website w/out author:        "About Science." Science Forum Online (2007). Accessed                                                                       7/22/2015 from [].

The sources should typed up in the above format and put in alphabetical order using the first word of each entry. So for the above list of sources, "About Science" would come first and Brown, Alice would be listed second.

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