Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I remember taking a "career test" in high school. We were all so excited to imagine the possibilities that lay ahead of us in college and beyond. Unfortunately, I don't remember my results, nor do I have any inkling of where they are now. Probably in a landfill somewhere.

I recently found a website where you can take a FREE test online and they provide a list of the best areas of study for you based on your personality, interests, and talents. I am definitely going to have my kids take this test in early high school to help us all figure out what they should pursue after graduation. It does take about an hour to complete, and it is recommended to not rush through but instead to allow ample time to really consider each multiple choice question.

Interestingly, I took the test and scored fairly low on "education". My top three highest scores were in science, mathematics, and administration. Hmm......

career test

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