Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

Autobiography for First Day of Class

Please answer the following questions and bring them on the first day...
I can't wait to hear all of your answers!!

Welcome to Challenge A! We are adventurers on an expedition through terrain that does not feel familiar. Curious? Apprehensive? Excited?
Let’s get to know something about one another. Please answer as many of these questions as you can. (You will probably want to answer them on a separate sheet of paper. Please include your name at the top of the page.)
1. What is the most exotic place I have ever been?
2. Do I prefer to study in silence or with music in background? At a desk or on a couch?
3. Name three habits—things I regularly do without thinking (example: clearing off my plate after supper; clear my throat
before talking, calling older men “Sir”):
4. What is the most recent book I have finished? What am I reading now?
5. What do I want to be doing ten years from now?
6. What am I reading/learning about on my own these days? My projects?
7. In some ways I am like (a character in a book or movie):
8. Let’s say I am having a bad day. My day brightens considerably when I come to the supper table and see Mom has made:
9. Foods I dislike:
10. My name is in the Bible: yes no
11. For exercise I prefer: riding a bike, hiking, calisthenics, running, playing hard at a team sport, swimming, skiing, skating, other.
Or, “I would rather die than sweat.”
12. The chore my family relies on me to do:
13. I would prefer to get out of bed at (time):
14. My favorite kind of chocolate:
15. My birthday is (month and day only):
16. A movie I have seen recently:
17. Rate that movie (1 2 3 4 5), where 1 is “a waste of time” and 5 is “a must-see.”
18. If I had $250,000, what would I do with it?
19. What three people, living or from history, would I like to have over for a winter’s evening?
20. One really odd thing about me:

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