Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

2014-2015 Geo Bee

Years ago, National Geographic created the National Geo Bee to try to ameliorate the pitiful condition of geography knowledge in the United States. Students were graduating from college without a basic understanding of where countries are located on planet Earth. In 1994, one female graduate, and I'm sure there were others, didn't know the difference between the Midwest and the Middle East.

Every year, Challenge A students study world geography and learn how to draw a map of the world's countries (all 211 of them) and their capitals on a very large, blank sheet of paper. Features such as rivers and mountains are added as extra information. So they are able to participate in the National Geo Bee and potentially compete at the national finals in Washington DC. The grand prize is a $50,000 college scholarship!

Competition begins at the local level; winners proceed to the state competition; and so on. Our local geography bee is on Saturday, January 10, 2015 in Matthews, NC. Grades 4-8 are eligible to enter. Please contact your own Challenge A director to enter, or you can contact me :) Good Luck!!

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