Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

Challenge Paradigm

Classical Education
Teachers: No more than two tutors model teaching/learning for all six subjects.

Training: Tutors are trained in the classical model of teaching on a yearly basis.

Goals: We aim to build up lifelong skills of learning, parental leadership, discipling relationships, community, integration of subjects, and Christian worldview while cultivating wisdom and virtue in each student.

Subject Integration: Subjects are integrated around universal themes and ideas while compared with a Christian worldview.

Community: There is a maximum of 10-12 students per Challenge class; a student takes all courses together which provides continuity.

Parental Involvement: Parents partner with the tutor in their child’s learning and scheduling. Parent Practicums teach long-term teaching and educational skills that
empower parents.

CC exists as a complementary service to homeschool families. As such, parents retain the primary roles of teaching and recording students’ progress. A student’s academic success and readiness for college depends not solely on participation in CC’s Challenge Program but also on the motivation and priorities at home. However, more and more families are choosing to homeschool through high school using CC’s Challenge Program because they find it to be excellent for cultivating wisdom and virtue in a student’s life, as well as preparation for college.

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