Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

20 Tips for Students

So now that your student is entering the Challenge are they going to finish all the work required of them? Here are 20 helpful tips and reminders for everybody to review before the year begins :)

1. Always eat breakfast.
2. Keep your books, pencils, flashcards, supplies all together so you don't waste time looking for things you need once you get started.
3. Avoid the black holes! facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, email, video games, internet surfing need to wait until your work for the day is finished.
4. Ask questions if you are not sure about an assignment before you waste too much time trying to figure it out or completing it wrongly.
5. Get enough sleep each night. You will sleep better and be more productive if you go to bed and wake up close to the same time every day.
6. Keep a homework notebook instead of various pieces of paper on the bottom of your backpack that can get lost.
7. Do not try to complete two days of work in one day.
8. Always write your essay a couple of days before it's due so you have a day to edit the rough draft.
9. If you sleep in, you still have six hours of work to accomplish. You can't start at 11 am and finish by 3 pm.
10. Write out a schedule and keep it. Use a timer if you have to.
11. Break large projects into small pieces, and do one piece each day. Don't put it off.
12. Do the review part of your homework first. It will make the rest of that subject easier to do.
13. Don't take phone calls during the day and let your friends know ahead of time when you will be available to talk. Turn your ringer off so you are not tempted to check incoming texts until your lunch break.
14. Talk to your parents and get them involved. Let them know when you will have things finished so they can hold you accountable. For example, "Mom, I will finish reading Call of the Wild by tomorrow and I would like to discuss it with you tomorrow night at 8:30 pm."
15. Don't waste time. You can review memory work while in the car or in line at a store. Make every moment count!
16. Set up little rewards throughout the day to help motivate yourself. For example, "When I finish drawing my map and labeling it, and taking notes on Chapter 2 of It Couldn't Just Happen, then I will have some apple slices for snack time."
17. Discuss ideas for projects and essays with your parents. You will get more accomplished if you brainstorm with them at dinnertime instead of trying to do it all by yourself.
18. Do your least favorite task or homework assignment first thing when you wake up to get it out of the way and have a great feeling of accomplishment.
19. Pray to start your day and ask God to help you glorify Him in all that you do.
20. Do your best! Colossians 3:23

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