Another great article!
Letter to a New CC Mom
Posted by Brandy Ferrell on Tuesday, 17 February, 2015 in Articles, Classical Christian Education, Dialectic Stage (ages 12 to 14), Grammar Stage (ages 4 to 11)
What am I going to neglect and what am I going to pursue?
My last article left us with this probing question as we pondered Leigh Bortins’s words…
...And I see frustrated parents who have over-estimated their high school child’s elementary education, realize they have not prepared their child adequately at the grammar stage, and so lower their standards for their older child’s education just at the time the student is really ready to become a mature learner (Echo in Celebration, page 56).
So… how do I adequately prepare my children while they are in the grammar stage? What are the core skills to be established in elementary-aged children? And as we work towards establishing these skills, how do we inspire our children with a love of learning? For several years I have asked myself these questions as we have waded through the plethora of curriculum available, searching for that magic formula that will instill a love of learning in our children.
Simply stated, the core skills required for higher order learning include reading, writing, mathematics, and memory work. An important discovery I have made, however, is that each of these skills can be pursued in a way that inspires children to enjoy learning. In fact, my attitude about a subject has much more to do with inspiring my children than which curriculum we are using. The more appropriate question for me is how am I modeling a love of learning in my home? That question is much more convicting.