Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

Research Science Journal

During first semester and the first part of second semester, Challenge A students learn how to research various elements of creation and write a corresponding paragraph from their research. Instead of using the recommended science journal book which is available for sale, I prefer to use a 1/2 inch binder with paper and page protectors. This provides more room and space for the paragraph with a picture on the facing page. Another benefit is that in the page protector, students can place their keyword outline, their rough draft, and their bibliography. This keeps everything all in one place and at the end of the year they will have a nice binder with all of their research, outlines, bibliographies, and final drafts. Here is an example of one student's science notebook...

As you can see, this science journal entry is handwritten. The parent decides if they want these typed or written, and if it will be one paragraph or two. The picture should always be a hand-drawn diagram, not a photocopy or printed picture from the internet. The diagram should be labeled by the student from his or her research. There are several great websites to use to research that are safe. Please find these on the list of links on the right side of this blog. I recommend for the two required sources that at least one be a book or encyclopedia. I handed out an example of a bibliography in the parent packet, and there is a sample biblio also on this blog under the label "science". There are two sample bibliographies in the links to the right.

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