Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

Revolution Lapbook

The boys and I worked on an American Revolution lapbook in August and September to help us learn the events leading up to and including the Revolutionary War. We worked on it a little bit during every school day and took turns researching different topics and events and adding them to the finished product.

This went along perfectly with the papers they were writing for their American history writing class and the history sentences they were memorizing for CC Foundations. They enjoy learning this way instead of always listening to me read or reading themselves from a textbook. Here is the link for the lapbook:

The above link is to a blog of an amazing homeschooling mom who posts all of the materials she has worked on with her 5 kids. All of her links and materials are free!!

I learned so much about the war that I had never known! For example, General Benedict Arnold was discovered to be a traitor in 1780, but we were never able to catch him to arrest him. He later moved to England and became a traitor there too during the war between England and France. The French are the ones who captured him for his actions in Europe. He died a year later in prison.

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