Challenge A at Charlotte - Mallard Creek

King Protista

Here is a fun skit that a fellow tutor put together to introduce the lesser known of the five kingdoms -- Protista.
Protozoa & Algae Skit:

King Protista: Hi! I am King Protista!
All: Hi! What do you mean by King Protista?
King Protista: Well I’m in charge of the kingdom called Protista and I have 2 groups I supervise that I just love!
All: What are they?
King Protista: They are Protozoa and Algae. Let me introduce you to protozoa.

All: Hi protozoa!
Protozoa 1: Hi! Let me tell you a little about ourselves. We are single celled and can only be seen with a microscope. We have eukaryotic cells.
All: What is that?
Protozoa 2: That means we have a true kernel.
All: You mean like Colonel Sanders Chicken or popcorn kernels.
Protozoa 3: Well, neither actually. It just means we have a nucleus, also known as a kernel!
All: Oh, ok!
Protozoa 1: We live in fresh water such as ponds and also in the oceans. Some of us are parasites!
All: Yuk!
Protozoa 2: Yes we actually live inside humans. We get around by using our organelles or little feet. Humans can hold up to 25 different kinds of protozoa at one time!
All: Oh, know. I hope I don’t get sick thinking about this!
King Protista: Well, let’s hear about 4 different types of protozoa.
Amoeba: Hi I’m amoeba and I am in the shape of a blob. My body constantly changes shape! I have arms called pseudopods that help me move.
Euglena: I’m euglena! I’m a little smaller than my friend the amoeba. I have a tail called a flagellum that allows me to move. I also have a red circle called an eye spot that God made for me so that I can see light.
Paramecium: I’m Paramecium and I’m one of the largest protozoa! We have hairs known as cilia to move back and forth so we can get around!
Plasmodium: And I am Plasmodium. I like mosquitos!
All: We don’t like mosquitos!
Plasmodium: We live in the mosquito’s mouth among the salvia! If we happen to be in the mouth of the mosquito that bites you we can transfer the disease called Malaria.
All: Wow! I guess that’s why we have shots to help prevent Malaria, especially when going overseas where infections can be more likely.
Protozoa 3: That’s correct. Some protozoans also cause death. This usually happens in other countries where the water is not clean. If you see a sign that says don’t drink the water, please do what it says!
King Protista: Now I’d like to introduce you to the other group under me that I love. They are called Algae.
Algae 1: We display many beautiful colors, sort of like a rainbow. Our colors though are made of browns, greens and yellows. We look similar to a bracelet of beads!
Algae 2: We can look like tiny stars too.
Algae 1: We grow to the size of 1/25,000 of an inch!
All: Wow, no wonder we need a microscope to see you guys.
Algae 2: Actually some of us are quite large and grouped together, like seaweed.
Algae 1: Seaweed contains many cells gathered up to 30 meters long or about 98.4 feet.
All: Wow that’s some good math skills!
Algae 2: We live in fresh water and the oceans too as well as on ice! We also live in hot springs.
Algae 1: Can anyone tell me where a hot spring is located? __________________________ .
All: Great job! Well I think that’s all for now. Let’s have them look at examples of us under the micro viewer! Have fun! 

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